Karena ingatan manusia bisa pudar, saya selalu ingin
menuliskan banyak hal berkesan dalam hidup saya. Salah satunya adalah betapa
ajaibnya memiliki kembaran dalam hidup ini. Di hari ulang tahun saya yang ke 26
ini, saya ingin berbagi tentang Dee, kembaran saya yang membuat hidup saya been
so lively.
My lovely Dee!
Bagi kebanyakan orang, quotes “Lahir sendirian, mati pun
sendirian” mungkin berlaku untuk mereka. Tapi, I’m so lucky! Sejak dalam
kandungan Mama saya tidak sendirian, ada Dee bersama saya, menjalani tujuh
lapis kegelapan bersama saya. So, I would say, Dian is my very first friend in
this world, and the best friend I cherish so much. Ada banyak moments ketika
people left me behind, but she has been always there for me. No matter how
broken hearted I was, Dee will always be there to cheer me up. I’m just so
thankful that I have Dee in my life. She is a very faithful friend.
Only second to mommy, she is my inspiration. I learned a lot
from her. She shows me how to be thankful and happy no matter how tough life
is. She teaches me of generosity, to caring to the needy, to any unlucky person
in this world. Saya ingat Dian selalu bilang, “Kasian sekali liat gelandangan yang
kedinginan di New York”. Ada suatu ketika Dian dapat bonus dari kantornya, dia
selalu menyisihkan uangnya untuk bersedekah, membelikan makanan untuk
gelandangan yang dilihatnya di subway station. Gak cuma itu, klo misalnya ada
fundraising untuk social causes di Indonesia, Dee pasti akan cari cara apa pun
untuk bisa mengirimkan sumbangan dan ikut berkontribusi, entah itu nitip dengan
teman yang akan pulang ke Indonesia, belikan titipan temen dan minta uangnya di
transfer ke fundraising, menghubungi saya, dan dia bahkan sampe mau lelang ipod
touchnya untuk nyumbang buat saudara-saudara di Palestine, karena dia gak punya
uang buat nyumbang. Untuk seseorang yang
bahkan tidak punya banyak stipend, dian is amazing. She shows me, to help and
to care about people, you don’t need to be rich, and all you need is to have a
big heart to be willing to share anything you have (but husband yah).
My Dee on a big long march in NYC for the cause of world's rainforest
thing she shares is smiles. She is wellknown among her friends to be a girl
with a bright smile. She smiles and is very kind to people. She said, I may not
have money to share, but at least I tried to smile. Not only smile is a form of
shadaqah, but also she said, “when you smile broadly and sincerely, you will
never feel sad”. Yep one more thing is
that she is just so genuinely sincere person. I can guarantee this that she
never faked a smile, that she cares about people sincerely. As we know, only a
heart can touch another heart. So, I believe that’s her best trait which makes
her so adorable, and very easy to make friend with.
My hardworking Dee!
My Dee has inspired me to work hard for everything we dream
off. It’s just so amazing to see how focus she is with her dreams with final
aim to help more people with Susmawati Foundation and Fellowship program,
endowment fund and foundation we hope to establish in near future. I am kind of
a person who sometimes can be easily distracted, so she helps me a lot to
remember my goals and dream. She works so hard to get her master degree. She is
the favourite students of her lectures in her campus due to her contribution to
class discussion and diligent work with the school assignment. She shows me
that luck is a final result of hard work. I recall the moment at the end of
first semester in Unsri, I got a bad cumulative grade. She said, that’s ok, we’ll
fix it. So the whole holiday, for three months we both studying the grammar
book that will be used in the second semester. Boom! At the end of second
semester, her grade points was 4.0 which meant that she got all A’s for the
classes we took. How about me? My grade increase significantly too, I got A’s
and one B, which was really awesome too.
Finished her master study, she had internship with Indonesian Diplomatic Mission for UN in NYC.
And, this is my favourite thing, she knows me really well. I
like that she never doubt of my capability of doing something I want to do. You
know, I’m just a normal person, I do sometimes doubt and limit myself from doing
something I want to do. At that point, she will always say any positive and
courageous word which means so much for me. She will say, “You’re a smart girl,
Rini, you’ll make it, insyaAllah”. The words really warm my heart. Thanks Dee
for always being there for me. Yeah, my Dee just that kind of person who are so
adorable and positive.
I believe my Dee is a very appreciative person, she is just
a very thankful person to everything she has and said to her. Even when I say, “Good
nite, Dee”, she’ll say, “Thanks, sayang”. I think that’s also the secret of her
happy life. She always say “I choose to be happy and be thankful!” That’s a
really good attitude, I tried my best to be happy when I was so stressed with
so many deadlines or when got stuck with my thesis proposal. Thank you so much,
Actually, I have so many things to say, it’s just I don’t
think that words can represent how I feel about having you in my life, how
thankful I’m to have you as my twin sister. Let’s us grow older and wiser
together just like we had done since in mommy’s tummy. Stay heathy please, I love
you so much, I want to share my life with you for a long long long lifetime. Remember
this, you’re amazing! Never let anybody let you down, including some bastard
guys. May our wishes come true.